Millas a KM

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No Mercy In Mexico: Mexican Cartel Cuts Off a Man’s Head

No Mercy in Mexico is a viral video clip on the internet showing a Mexican Cartel decapitating a man and killing his son live. The real-life footage by the Mexican illegal group is a warning that the cartel will do the same with anyone who comes in their way. 

The clip begins by showing criminals standing around the victim father and son. They begin beating the dad and son alive with sticks and other melee weapons and then proceed to cut off the father’s head in front of his son. The ruthless and dreadful crime lord then tosses the head towards the son and then mauls him with a knife alive who cries and screams in pain and asks for mercy. 

The video is very explicit and gory in nature and shows a real-life crime taking place in Mexico. This shows how inhuman people have nowadays become for money, power, fame, and politics. 

The victims in the video who were killed brutally in public and the criminals are fearless and daunting enough to record and share it on the internet shamelessly. They gave this footage title “No Mercy in Mexico,” showing they will treat anyone the same if anyone goes against the cartel. 

Who Are the Victims in the No Mercy in Mexico?

The victims who are brutally murdered and tortured before the murder are currently unidentified. The police have probably identified the criminals and victims in the video as their faces are clearly visible in the footage, but they are officially not announcing the individual’s identities for security and diplomatic reasons. 

From the video, the man who was decapitated looks 40-50 years old and the boy looks like in his mid teen age. Whoever watched the video is in shock and people are commenting it is the worst and the most cruel thing that exists on the internet. However, similar or somewhat more terrifying gore crime videos are available on the web, like Funkytown, Ms Pacman, and Snuff r73. 

All such viral clips of gore and violence and crime are very graphic in nature and contain highly traumatizing and bloody scenes. These videos are full of slashing, beating with blunt objects, peeling of flesh and skins, and cutting of various limbs. We all should stay away from watching such videos as they can put you in a mental illness.


I’m David, 46, enjoying a satisfactory life with minimal materialism but a lot of peace and joy. I always meditate on what is right or uplifting for me and others. I created this blog to share my response on what’s going out there in different sectors of this world. My main curiosity is the tech, business, and entertainment industry, but also love talking about other areas like fashion, lifestyle, and more.